Why your FP&A Dashboards don’t work

Does this sound familiar?

  • The metrics don’t tell the story of what matters most right now.

  • They don’t flag risks and opportunities

  • They aren’t forward-looking enough

As a result:

  • The decision-makers rarely look at them

  • You never get any comments or questions

  • And few actions are being taken based on what they show

There is a different way.

Your dashboards could work much better if you keep the end result in mind.

And you need to have a structured process to choose which metrics to show.

Here is my approach:


Don’t start by thinking about what metrics to choose. Start with determining the most critical elements of your company's strategy. What matters most today?

Is it:

➣ Acquiring more customers?

➣ Growing revenue per customer?

➣ Reducing expenses in area x?


Then, think about what you need to know to determine two things:

a) To what extent does the strategy work?

b) What and who is driving the result?


In an ideal world, which metrics would you like to track to measure a) and b)? At this stage, don’t worry about feasibility or how you get the data. Just make a list.


Go through your list of ideal metrics and create a plan of how to track each of them, where to get the data from and how to prepare it. Eliminate only those where you confirmed you can’t get the data.


Create your new dashboards from the resulting metrics. They tell the story of how your business is doing in the areas that matter most right now.


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