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    Financial Storytelling Masterclass

    In this masterclass, we explore how FP&A teams drive the business forward through Financial Storytelling. Get a preview of FP&A Bootcamp and learn how to deliver an effective financial presentation.

    The thing is:
    You can’t just rattle off KPIs and hope to have an impact on growth.

    When you present your financials, it’s show time. Here is what to avoid at any cost:

    ❌ #1 Your visuals distract

    ❌ #2 You aren’t surprising

    ❌ #3 You aren’t credible enough

    ❌ #4 You aren’t concrete enough

    ❌ #5 Your presentation isn’t emotional

    ❌ #6 You aren’t using storytelling techniques

    How do you know you made one or more of these mistakes?

    People nod and move on.

    When you are presenting financials and all people respond with is silence, then you have failed.

    Because what you want is a discussion. You want people to take the insights you presented and talk about how to take actions from them that drive the business forward.

    You want them to create action plans right away to capitalize on the opportunities or mitigate the risks you flagged.

    So, how you present financials matters.

    That’s why this free masterclass teaches you exactly how to run a financial presentation so people will listen and take action from it.

    Unlock access to the videos now by entering your email below

      Who are these videos for?

      Finance professionals who want to develop their FP&A skills.

      Accountants who recently took on forecasting and planning responsibilities.

      Business leaders who need to tell the financial story of their business.

      Ready to level up your FP&A skills?

      Join my course FP&A Bootcamp, delivered live via Zoom in four workshops.