How to get a seat at the decision table when you’re in Finance
business partnering Christian Wattig business partnering Christian Wattig

How to get a seat at the decision table when you’re in Finance

Finance leaders don’t always have the chance to impact major company decisions. That happens when the finance team is seen as the department that only produces standard reports and cuts budgets. But FP&A leaders can and should have a seat at the decision table. In this article, I’m walking through six approaches you can start today to grow your influence.

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How to build business understanding as FP&A Manager
business partnering Christian Wattig business partnering Christian Wattig

How to build business understanding as FP&A Manager

Without knowing the business inside and out, you can only do so much as FP&A Manager. Sure, you can create reports about the current performance of the business and attempt to forecast its future outlook. But to increase your value, you need to know more about the business model than where the revenue comes from.

You can only become a strategic advisor to the business if you understand how your cross-functional partners turn inputs into sales. Here is what I learned works best to build business understanding.

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McKinsey’s advice on how to collaborate better and what FP&A teams can learn from it
business partnering Christian Wattig business partnering Christian Wattig

McKinsey’s advice on how to collaborate better and what FP&A teams can learn from it

“Analysis paralysis” can happen to anyone. Not even senior leaders are immune. Rather than getting stuck in a spreadsheet, they run from endless meeting to endless meeting without a clear decision at the end.

The culprit is often simply that roles and responsibilities aren’t clear or decision-making powers are shared too liberally. KcKinsey advocates for the use of the DARE framework to counteract these issues.

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How to listen
business partnering Christian Wattig business partnering Christian Wattig

How to listen

Many see listening as the top leadership skill. To be a successful Finance Business Partner, it’s certainly essential. The reason many aren’t good listeners is that we aren’t taught the right techniques in school. This post introduces three ways to immediately become a better listener.

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First Principles of FP&A
business partnering Christian Wattig business partnering Christian Wattig

First Principles of FP&A

There is a secret to how Elon Musk was able to learn how to build rockets from scratch and beat NASA and other government organizations at their own game. It’s “reasoning from first principles”. Let me walk you through how it works and how FP&A managers can apply it.

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